Coronavirus and Fitness: Is Exercising at Home During this Time a Good Idea?

Coronavirus and Fitness: Is Exercising at Home During this Time a Good Idea?

With the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has changed in so many ways.

The regular activities that people would partake in, such as going to work, socializing, going to the gym and shopping has changed.

With social distancing being practiced and countries being on lockdown, exercising at home is now the norm.

Self-isolation has limited activities that people would typically do to keep physically active such as cycling and leisure sports.

Exercise has become more crucial than ever since it will boost your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and also keep you fit.

So, you may be wondering how you will stay fit during this period. Below is a guide to help you out during this pandemic.


Reasons To Stay Fit Even During The Coronavirus Pandemic.

Some people might ask why they still need to exercise during this pandemic, as things are already stressful.

However, working out has numerous benefits, and it will help you strengthen your immunity. Below are some of the reasons to stay fit.

It helps you to lose weight.

With self-isolation, you are likely to be tempted to go to the kitchen numerous times a day. Since there isn’t that much to do, you will find yourself snacking, and this may lead to some weight gain. To help you with this, you need to exercise.

It is a stress and anxiety reliever.

With this pandemic, people’s stress levels seem to be high. Exercising usually releases serotonin and endorphins that will help to improve your mood, reduce your chances of getting depressed, and delay the onset of dementia.

It can lower the chances of getting health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Exercising regularly, paired with balanced meals, will help keep these diseases at bay.

It helps with the development of strong bones.

Working out improves your bone and muscle strength, and also increases flexibility.

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How To Stay Fit During The COVID-19 Quarantine.

The good news about working out at home is that most home exercises do not need special equipment.

They’re perfect for this quarantine period. Below are some of the things to try out at home.

• Exercise Online.

There are millions of workout videos online that you can do from your living room.

Gyms are also now offering online workouts, so you have no excuse not to be working out. You can try doing some yoga in the mornings.

It is a fantastic way to start your day, and you will also be able to mediate. You can also indulge in some strength training, such as push-ups and lunges.

Later in the week, you can also try out some cardio workout and HIIT exercises. With these exercises, you are free to choose what works for you and go with it.

It all depends on your fitness level to determine whether you will do low to high-intensity workouts.

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• Use The Stairs!

Exercising does not need to be complicated. You can make the stairs your new best friend. Stair climbing is an effective way to keep fit. You can start small by going up and down the stairs, and go on to fast stair climbs per day, where you time yourself.

• Dance!

Life does not have to be boring now that there is a pandemic. You can put on some of your favorite jams and dance the blues away. Dancing is more than a way of having fun; it will keep your heart healthy and release endorphins that will keep you in a fantastic mood.

• Chores Can Be A Great Workout.

Did you know that physically demanding house chores can also count as exercise?

Now you do. You can wash those windows that you have been postponing for months, do some gardening, and do some mowing. You will need to do these exercises for at least ten minutes continuously for you to reap the benefits.


Should You Stop Working Out During The Coronavirus Pandemic?

The answer to this is a definite no! Whatever equipment for exercise you have, you can start working out. Even with the lack of equipment exercise can continue. Keep exercising regularly, to make it a habit, and ensure that you do not fall off the wagon.

With this pandemic, the most important thing to remember is not to lose hope, as it will soon pass.

Meanwhile, you can keep fit and eat healthy, to boost your immune system. Avoid exercising past exhaustion, and only do what you can handle. Also, ensure that you keep yourself hydrated while working out.

Visit Fitness Expo Store for more ideas on how you can stay fit during this pandemic COVID-19.